Tuesday, October 14, 2008


how fuckin AWESOME!! finally.. proof that online petitions DO work.. or it just could be a coincedence. A couple of summers ago i signed the online petition to bring back the monaco bar


and it's BACK! at the moment i think they're only in 7-11's... had one on Saturday and it was AWESOME!!... $3 is a decent price hike though.. i remember monaco bar and eskimo pie being cheaper ice creams.. but it did seem bigger then it was. The rappers changed as well to a newer plastic type standard ice cream rapping that you'd find on a magnum. But.. it is back.. and.. from what i remember it does taste the same. From some reports i've found online people have been finding the buscuits hard and crunchy.. but the one i had on saturday was exactly as i remember.. soft.. and chewy.. and sort of melts into the ice cream at the edges..

and best of all.. the last bite is still tricky.. you either commit to a massive mouthful.. or risk losing ice cream out the sides by taking a smaller bite.. AWESOME!!

el :)

Monday, October 13, 2008

I've been sick and haven't had much time..

Abit over idol.. madam's gone.. chislyn still shits me.. luke, wes or mark are gonna win.